Wednesday, December 7, 2011

America is Awesome

Today is the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor. I asked my son's teacher if they were discussing it in class. They are not and that's a shame.

It's a shame because the initial response to Pearl Harbor and our stedfast dedication to finish the job in both the Pacific and European theaters speak directly to the American character we must promote to our children. When we entered WWII we were the underdogs. Our economy was still struggling to recover from The Great Depression, we were not overly industrialized and our military was relatively small. Despite the challenges in front of us we thrust forward and eventually won a hard fought victory against Nazism, Fascism and Imperialism.

When FDR spoke to Congress on 8 December 1941 he never mentioned "fairness", he didn't ask "what did we do to deserve this?" he simply stated that (and I'm paraphrasing) America was attacked and now we are going to kick your ass.

When my grandfathers joined the service they did so because they believed that America was worth fighting for. They believed that Liberty was better than tyranny and they were willing to die to make sure I had a chance to live in a World blessed by America's greatness.

This American Spirit must be passed on to our children or they won't understand the wonderful gift God gave us when we were born free humans in the greatest Country in the history of the World. Today they are surrounded by people telling them "America is soft", "America is unfair", "America is no better than Cuba". Rubbish!

America isn't soft, our political leaders are weak and pathetic...on both sides.

America isn't unfair, it's the only place on Earth where a poor kid from a bad neighborhood can become a billionaire in one generation.

America is better than Cuba and every other country on Earth. Period. I'll debate that with anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of the obligation we have as Americans to suck it up, put our boots on and get to work. If that work is destroying three horrible regimes half a world away or getting out of a recession it's possible to succeed with hard work and dedication.

That's why it's a shame that my son won't hear about Pearl Harbor in school today.

God Bless America.

PS: I hope Army crushes Navy this weekend. Go Army!

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